In what amounts to the least clever effort yet to blame Democrats for our little Iraq problem, K-Lo, in a post titled "Am I wrong to be nervous" asks, "Congress may be about to give Sadr a p.r. win?"
Click on the link to the article, though, and you'll see what's actually happening is that, as the surge begins, Muqtada al-Sadr is trying ever harder to push us out. This is how escalation works. There's a quote in the article from great-friend-of-the-Corner Joe Lieberman pointing out that this is all
evidence of how shrewd and effective the escalation-plan is. But other than that there's literally nothing in the article about Congress.
And of course, we're faced again with a conservative pundit who vulgarly places a priority on spinning a bloody nightmare into a battle of p.r. foes--on not wanting the people we're fighting to appear as if they're winning--rather than on fixing the situation.
Of course, it's hard for two to play at this game when the game is this: think of a failed national policy that genuinely has nothing at all to do with actions taken by your political opponents and, from thin air, blame them for it. Now, just for fun, try to think of a failed national policy that is NOT in fact the president's fault. Go on. I dare you.