I'm planning to spend some time with the Election Assistance board, to see what some internet digging uncovers. The first name on the Standards Board roster is Beth Chapman, Alabama's Secretary of State. Nobody with such an auspicious title would ever join the commission with any hint of pre-existing suspicions about voter fraud, right?
State Auditor and candidate for Secretary of State Beth Chapman announced today that she will offer another $5,000 reward for anyone turning in information which leads to an arrest and conviction of voter fraud for the July 18 Run-Off Election.
Chapman said, "This reward is an effort to protect law-abiding, taxpaying citizens' votes and to stop crooks from trying to steal them."
Ms. Chapman was unopposed in the Republican Primary and announced she would offer up to two $5,000 rewards for anyone providing information leading to a voter fraud conviction during the Primary.
As a result, leaders of the Democracy Defense League (a non-partisan organization determined to stop voter fraud), credit Chapman's reward offers along with her recent visit to Hale County and her announcement that she would serve as a poll watcher there for decreasing their county's absentee ballots by fifty percent prior to the Primary.
Chapman served as an official Primary poll watcher in Hale County along with eight federal agents from the U.S. Department of Justice.
Chapman said, "The offers I made during the Primary were intended to deter voter fraud and make people think twice before they stole someone else's vote. Obviously it worked. Hopefully it will work in the run-off too."
Chapman concluded by saying, "Preventive Medicine is the best kind."