Jim DeMint is a petty thug:
"Al-Qaida knows that we’ve got a lot of wimps in Congress,” DeMint said. “I believe a lot of the casualties can be laid at the feet of all the talk in Congress about how we’ve got to get out, we’ve got to cut and run.”
Asked later who he had targeted in his comments, DeMint replied:
“To a large degree, the Democratic party and those who basically declared defeat like Harry Reid.”
Reid, a Nevada Democrat, became the Senate leader after his party gained control of Congress in November.
“The last thing this country needs right now is this kind of disgraceful rhetoric,” Jim Manley, a spokesman for Reid, said of DeMint’s remarks. “Democrats will continue to insist that this administration accept responsibility for its failed conduct of this war, and that the Iraqi government accept responsibility for its own future.”
It's not just that the rhetoric is disgraceful, it's that it's wrong. Yes, the administration bears the most responsibility, but also that a Democratic administration will also have a foreign policy that will both result in fewer American casualties and greater American safety. The problem with Republicans like DeMint is more than just that they use disgraceful rhetoric.