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June 03, 2007


Jim Manzi


Thanks for your thoughtful comments.

I don't think its productive for us to have a scientific debate in this forum, but I'll leave it at the observation that I think we shuld probably remain humble about our ability to solve an incredibly hard scientific problem, namely predicting climate impacts 100 years from now.

I should have written more precisely about adaptation and mitigation. As you have said, doing more of one does not require doing less of the other. In fact, again as you have said, they are probably mutually reinforcing. The only "trade-off" is that if you think you can tackle part of the problem with one, that is a part of the problem for which you don't have to use the other method. In general, and there are exceptions, I think that adaptation is almost always cheaper than mitigation (with current technologies).

In terms of Planet Gore, there are a variety of people with somewhat different viewpoints. That said, if you look at the bulk of the most frequent posters, I think you will see that we all quite forthright that A>0, and that the key issues are uncertainties in predicting the future, and defining effective ways of dealing with the risks that this implies.

Of course, we all disagree with Al Gore about many of his policy proposals in this area, and have different ideas about what should be done.

In general, I think that both "sides" of this debate live on the same planet and should focus on being more practical than ideological.

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