Here's what's going on in Europe:
As leaders of the world’s wealthiest democracies began their annual summit meeting today, President Bush defended his plan to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and tried yet again to dismiss Russian concerns over a missile defense plan, saying it is “not something we ought to be hyperventilating about.”
See, the president wants to advance policies unlikely to decrease greenhouse gas emissions and very likely to escalate nuclear proliferation. What I'd like is a president who wants to create policies very likely to decrease greenhouse gas emissions and unlikely to escalate nuclear proliferation. The two platforms sound very similar, but mine is, in fact, precisely the opposite of the president's, who, it seems to me, has a terrifying vision for the future.
It makes me sick to my stomach to hear Bush trying to gain credit for something that won't occur (under his 'plan') until 2112 - four years after he leaves office. Just when you think Bush can't possibly get more ridiculous, he proves you wrong.
What mystifies me is why the heads of other governments don't just call him on his bullshit. Not one of the G-8 countries has to really be afraid of anything Bush might do to retaliate. Giving in to the bully to gain consensus is a hell of a way to pretend to world leadership.
Posted by: JimPortlandOR | June 07, 2007 at 11:50 AM