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June 06, 2007



Pluripotent stem cells can eventually specialize in any bodily tissue, but they cannot themselves develop into a human being


I'm surely not anything more than a layperson watching from the sidelines on the stem cell thing, but it would appear that skin cells from a mature person would be harder to cultivate and reproduce in vitro without larger amounts of transcription errors because they have already lost some portion of the sequence endings (telomeres) which get shorter after each generation of DNA replication. Thus, this will be a long, hard road.

Although the US is a leader, the other nations in the world with potential for leadership aren't restricted, so progress on the embyonic stem cell side will still be made (and those scientists certainly are well qualified) such that we surely run a high risk of being outpaced by others. I don't find that a bad thing, given the predatory nature of US pharma companies when things get to the commercialization phase. Competition in this case is a good thing.

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