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July 26, 2007




That nut has no nutcracker. The Capitol and its outbuildings will be wearing suits and ties when the republic is long gone - if it isn't already.

The UK just decided that powdered white wigs were not required for civil court attorney's & judges - but still required for criminal court.

Test: Are you choosing wingtip shoes, tassel loafers or plain-toed black?

I'd bet you can augment your wardrobe for almost $nothing at GoodWill with barely worn suits from the K Street guys.




That nut has no nutcracker. The Capitol and its outbuildings will be wearing suits and ties when the republic is long gone - if it isn't already.

The UK just decided that powdered white wigs were not required for civil court attorney's & judges - but still required for criminal court.

Test: Are you choosing wingtip shoes, tassel loafers or plain-toed black?

I'd bet you can augment your wardrobe for almost $nothing at GoodWill with barely worn suits from the K Street guys.



When you are famous (or much more famous than you already are) you can wear whatever you want. It can even become your trademark. For now, I agree w/ Jim. Give in. A good second hand sports coat, or a cheap new one from an outlet, will cost you $30. If you don't get Chipotle all over it, you'll hardly ever need to dry clean it.


And if that Chipotle scenario does happen, there's always Zips Dry Cleaners. Gotta love $1.85 a garment.


FWIW my spouse refuses to let me out of the house wearing flipflops. This corporate master serves a higher power. . .


I think I may try to sneak flip flops into the hearing rooms.

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