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July 31, 2007



I wouldn't be disappointed, Brian, if Pelosi dodges your question on what she would do a Senate Majority Leader. Any substantive response would be interpreted as criticizing or second-guessing Harry Reid, and there is long tradition that members of one body don't criticise members of the other body, especially by name or position.

That said, Nancy's an old-time political pol from the grand tradition of San Francisco Democrats (and my former Congressperson). When your party gets over 75% of the vote each election and Republicans are on the endangered species list, you gain lots of freedom to pay attention to the relatively far left progressives in your district - and some real hard lefties as well.

For a Speaker of the House, you get the donkey well-tied to the cart and a daily twisting, bumpy, hilly road that makes it difficult to haul the cargo. She's clearly made the transition in practice to cart-hauler, but I doubt she questions the loss of personal freedom for only the chance of making social and party progress.

She's a fine lady. (But we have some pretty good progressive Congresspeople in Portland also, so I'm not grieving at all).


Yeah, I know. But here's to hoping!

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