Ezra chimes in to suggest that Larry Kudlow is an idiot. This is, frankly, a cunning insight. But there is one thing that Larry Kudlow does know how to do very, very well. Kudlow is one of right-wing TV punditry's three or four most effective peddlers of the ridiculous idea that government intervention into literally anything is a sign of looming totalitarianism. Pathetic honor yes, but it works like this: Let social security stand, or universalize health care, or impose a carbon tax, or enforce seatbelt laws, or institute smoking bans--any or all of these will put us on a fast track to North Koreandome. Inasmuch as he carries on in this role, then it seems to me we in the reality-based community have a solemn duty to Corner-bash him into oblivion. Who's with me?!