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July 20, 2007



there's literally nothing stopping this from going forward.

I luv the idea, but it takes a hard to find commodity in DC: balls


there's literally nothing stopping this from going forward

Except, of course, for a presidential directive to the FBI, Secret Service or even Special Forces, none of which is the sergeant-at-arms a match for.

If Congress thinks the president in error here, it can file a civil suit and seek declaratory and injunctive relief from the courts. But there will be no dragging of folk. Guaranteed.


Paul, you SHOULD be right. But the courts are likely to say this is a political dispute, not a legal one.

The key issue, in my mind, is that the Congress has to get right up to the brink so that citizens see clearly what a totalitarian action looks like.

So, Send the Sgt at Arms (with some backup for his protection and to look sincere). If he is prevented from entering and apprending then the recourse is not to the courts, but to start an impeachment action - even if unsuccessful.

If you don't enforce your rights, they are lost. Likely forever.


Right, I mean President Bush can turn the White House into Waco and have a stand-off, I suppose. The point is to enforce the law to the fullest extent, even if it means an impeachment effort that fails. It's both the right thing to do and good politics.

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