That's what he hinted at to Hugh Hewitt:
Tony Snow is dropping hints that he might not stick around much longer as President Bush’s press secretary. In a radio interview with conservative talk-radio host Hugh Hewitt on Wednesday, Snow said he likely would bail out as White House press secretary sometime before Bush leaves office in January 2009.
“I’ve already made it clear I’m not going to be able to go the distance, but that’s primarily for financial reasons,” he said. “I’ve told people when my money runs out, then I’ve got to go.” He wouldn’t say when that might be.
Ok. God knows if anybody in the Bush administration has a real reason to step aside it's Tony Snow. But it can't be because he's going broke. Here his is at World Net Daily discussing his salary:
Q: If I could just ask you what, as a federal officer, you are paid now, I will not ask what you were paid before. How much did you sacrificed to take this job?
MR. SNOW: I think my salary's like $162,000 or $163,000.
I realize he was a media big shot GOP shill before he became a federally subsidized GOP shill, meaning he probably took a significant pay cut in the switch from Fox News to the West Wing. but between the salary and the benefits it's hard for me to imagine that he's losing money day in and day out as White House Press Secretary. Then again, I don't exactly have a sense for how Washington Republicans actually live. Large, obviously. Large enough, I suppose, that they have to destroy national policy in order to keep with it.
Maybe he has a lot of medical bills?
Posted by: Sommer | August 17, 2007 at 06:31 PM
"I don't exactly have a sense for how Washington Republicans actually live" or about much of anything about anything, if truth be told. You are totally clueless in general and this post is a prime specimen.
Posted by: daveinboca | August 17, 2007 at 10:01 PM